Resources relating to 'child protection'

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Blog posts

adults in meeting
A systemic failure to protect children

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

Additional funds to tackle Online Abuse

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

Children’s safety- a postcode lottery?

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

poster frame for the interview with Sam Preston on Forced Marriage
Forced Marriage

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

scales of justice London
Invest in society’s protectors to protect children

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

Group of teachers in a classroom
Navigating the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Role

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

nursery school teacher with children
New EYFS Safeguarding Consultation

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

named safeguarding governor
Early Career Teachers
Safeguarding for Early Career Teachers

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

Self-Injury / Harm Awareness Day 2017

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

New to the Designated Safeguarding Lead role
The DSL Role - What to expect from your training.

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

Online Safety Bill
The Online Safety Bill

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

Two teachers talking in a school classroom
What is Duty of Care?

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

Working together to safeguard children - the key changes
Working Together to Safeguard Children

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher


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