Resources relating to 'safeguarding training'

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Blog posts

a head teacher studying safeguarding issues on her laptop at school
A safeguarding roundup of 2020 at SSS Learning

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

Child Sexual Exploitation

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

children looking at someone carrying a knife
Children as young as 11 carrying knives

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

How can e-learning be an effective way to deliver safeguarding training?
police car and ambulance outside a school
male icon surrounded by lots of female icons
INCELS: an Extremist Ideology?

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

Increase in EYFS volunteers

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

teacher presenting to a group of teachers
Invest in society’s protectors to protect children

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

poster frame for the interview with Sam Preston on Policy in Practice
Making Policy Work in Practice

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

Group of teachers in a classroom
Navigating the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Role

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

illustration of the concept of supporting mental health
named safeguarding governor
nurturing resilience in schools
poster frame for the interview with Sam Preston on Prevent Duty
Prevent Duty

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

three teachers standing in a corridor
What are safeguarding training levels 1,2,3 and 4?
Spring Audit

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

People in classroom working on laptops
The Church of England – A Safeguarding Crisis

by Sam Preston (Safeguarding Director) & Sara Spinks (SSS Author and Former Headteacher)

New to the Designated Safeguarding Lead role
The DSL Role - What to expect from your training.

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

The Key Principles of Named / Link Governor and Trustee roles
The Named Safeguarding Governor Role

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

Train, not blame!

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

Safeguarding children at school
Why is safeguarding training important to schools?

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director


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