Resources relating to 'duty of care'

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Blog posts

frustrated teen attempting homework
Abuse in Home Education

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse Conviction

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

aerosol spray can
child in bedroom with ipad
governors meeting at a school
Duty of care for governors

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

support assistant with child
children on a school trip
various types of devices
old bailey scales of justice statue
FGM - are we doing enough to safeguard girls?

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

Lady Justice against a blue sky
girl on floor with ipad
Ofcom - Protecting children from harms online

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

Safeguarding adults - do schools have a duty of care?,jimmy prout,duty of care
Safeguarding lessons - what can schools learn from the child Q scandal?
What are safeguarding training levels 1,2,3 and 4?
dad taking daughter to school
Schools' Duty of Care to Parents

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

Young victim of crime walking away
child looking worried
Two teachers talking in a school classroom
What is Duty of Care?

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

Safeguarding children at school
Why is safeguarding training important to schools?

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director


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