Domestic Abuse Consultation to close shortly

Sam Preston 6 April 2018 1 min read
Domestic Abuse Consultation to close shortly feature image

The Domestic Abuse Consultation sets out HM Government's approach to dealing with domestic abuse. Seeking to address this abuse at every stage from prevention, this consultation is wide-ranging seeking views on both legislative proposals and a package of practical action. The consultation questions cover four main themes with the central aim of prevention running through each, namely:

  • promote awareness – to put domestic abuse at the top of everyone’s agenda, and raise public and professionals’ awareness;
  • protect and support – to enhance the safety of victims and the support that they receive;
  • pursue and deter – to provide an effective response to perpetrators from initial agency response through to conviction and management of offenders, including rehabilitation;
  • improve performance – to drive consistency and better performance in the response to domestic abuse across all local areas, agencies and sectors.

Read more about Transforming the response to domestic abuse cosultation, which closes on 31st May 2018.

Sam Preston

SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

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