Resources relating to 'send'

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Blog posts

Looked after children
teacher helping child one-to-one
Are SENDCOs Managing Amid Rising Pressures?

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

children looking at someone carrying a knife
Children as young as 11 carrying knives

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

Safeguarding training with SSS Learning
Contentions of the new PSHE framework

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

teachers gathered around a table working on laptops
CPD for Teachers and Leaders

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

DFE Report on Bullying

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

Keeping children safe in education

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director

Local Safeguarding Partnerships
pupils talking whilst walking down corridor
illustration of the concept of supporting mental health
named safeguarding governor
SEND: DFE Report & Reform Plans

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

Young victim of crime walking away
child looking worried
girl at home watching cartoons
The Growing School Absence Gap for Vulnerable Children

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

The Key Principles of Named / Link Governor and Trustee roles
The Named Safeguarding Governor Role

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

Teacher one to one with pupil
The SEN(D) Crisis

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

Teacher with SEND child
The SEND Crisis: A Head Teacher's Perspective

by Sara Spinks
SSS Author & Former Headteacher

teacher talking to two primary school pupils
What is Regulated Activity in Schools?

by Sam Preston
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director
