DFE Report on Bullying

A DFE report has shown girls are much more likely than boys to be bullied at school, with almost twice as many on the receiving end of cyberbullying and social exclusion by other pupils. Whilst the figures revealed a decline in reports of bullying overall, particularly incidents of violent bullying which mainly affects boys, girls reported a rise in bullying with more than one in three telling researchers they had been affected in the previous year. For girls the most common form of bullying was name calling and social exclusion, where one in five girls reported being a victim. Only one in four boys said they had been victims of bullying in any form. Other key findings include:/p>
- 10% of the children reported being affected by cyberbullying;
- SEND children reported much higher incidents of bullying than other pupils. This supports the focus of the revised KCSIE 2018 direction for staff to consider safeguarding on an equal footing with SEND;
- pupils who were victims of bullying received lower GCSE results than peers who hadn’t been bullied however, as the researchers state ‘this simple correlation does not demonstrate causation between bullying and lower GCSE performance; there are likely to be many other factors involved’./li>
SSS Learning Safeguarding Director
6 August 2018