Guiding Children through Difficult Conversations

Sara Spinks 18 June 2024 2 min read
Guiding Children through Difficult Conversations  feature image

As educators and caregivers, we share a common goal: to nurture children in a safe, loving environment that equips them to navigate life's challenges with resilience and confidence. Yet, there are times when we must broach difficult topics with the young people under our care. Whether it's delivering distressing news, addressing concerns, or discussing subjects like sex or drugs, initiating such conversations can be daunting. However, when prepared, we can create an environment where children feel supported and understood with patience and empathy, using the right approach.

Open Communication

Before delving into these delicate discussions, it's essential to recognise the significance of open communication in nurturing healthy relationships with children. Every child deserves a trusted confidant they can turn to for guidance and support; someone who they know, trust and connect with. As a professional, it is important to be prepared that a child may choose another person to be their confidante. In all cases, the need to abide by confidentiality must be clearly reiterated within the boundaries of safeguarding principles.

As a teacher and then senior leader, I've encountered numerous situations where initiating difficult conversations has been pivotal in fostering a child's emotional well-being and personal growth. Here are a number of steps that I have found useful in initiating and conducting difficult conversations.


The first step in approaching challenging topics is thoughtful preparation. Consider the setting and timing of the conversation. Some children prefer one-on-one discussions in a familiar environment, while others feel more comfortable engaging during shared activities like walks or outings. Likewise, timing is crucial; ensure you and the child are mentally prepared and receptive to the conversation.

When initiating a difficult chat, adopting a gentle and non-confrontational approach is essential. Being too forceful may overwhelm the child while being too subtle might lead to distraction. Instead, aim to make the conversation relevant and relatable to the child's experiences. Drawing parallels from familiar contexts such as TV shows, books, or school activities can provide a comfortable entry point for discussion.

Furthermore, using external resources like books or media can facilitate dialogue and deepen understanding. Numerous age-appropriate books are designed to help adults broach sensitive topics with children. Reading together and discussing the material can offer valuable insights into the child's comprehension and concerns.


Maintaining an open and ongoing dialogue is essential in navigating difficult topics. Recognise that understanding may take time to develop and be patient with the child's processing. Encourage bite-sized conversations over time to prevent the discussion from feeling overwhelming or lecture-like.


Central to effective communication is active listening. Show genuine interest in the child's thoughts and feelings by asking open-ended questions and allowing ample time for responses. Validate their emotions and experiences and assure them of your unwavering support and understanding.

Safe Spaces

Equally important is creating a safe space for children to initiate difficult conversations. When a child approaches you with a concern, prioritise their comfort and ensure they feel heard and supported. Acknowledge their courage in confiding in you and demonstrate empathy and understanding as they share their thoughts and experiences. Also ensure that the environment is conducive to the discussion; a quiet space that is comfortable where the child can feel undisturbed and relaxed, maybe with items of support, such as toys or books.

Life Changing Events

Life-changing events like separation, illness, or loss demand extra sensitivity and care. Therefore, these conversations must be approached with compassion and empathy and with reassurance and support as the child processes the information. Such life-changing events are often very traumatic, see our course on (ADD LINK) for further information.


When navigating difficult conversations with children, remember that each interaction is an opportunity to strengthen trust, foster resilience, and nurture emotional well-being. Through my experiences, I have found that by approaching these discussions with empathy, patience, and openness, children can be empowered to navigate life's challenges with courage and confidence. As school professionals, let us commit to creating a supportive environment where every child feels valued, heard, and understood.

Sara Spinks

SSS Author & Former Headteacher

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