Which courses should staff complete?

We provide a wide range of training options with course pathways dependent on a member of staff's role.

Clearly not all staff need to complete every course within the suite.

Use the buttons below to help focus on the information you are looking for:

New employees
CoursesIn Regulated Activity 1Not in Regulated Activity 2
Child Protection for Staff in Non-maintained NurseriesYesYes
Designated Teacher for Looked-After ChildrenOptional 
KCSIE & Legislation 2024 Update Course for Senior Leaders, Governance & ManagementYesYes
KCSIE & Legislation 2024 Update Course for Staff & VolunteersYesYes
Safeguarding LegislationOptionalOptional
Core training
Child Protection for Staff in Regulated ActivityYes 
Child Protection for Staff not in Regulated Activity Yes
Introduction to the Safeguarding Thematics Optional
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)YesOptional
Child-on-Child Sexual Violence, Abuse and HarassmentYesOptional
County LinesYesOptional
Domestic AbuseYesOptional
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)YesYes
Forced MarriageYesOptional
Honour Based Abuse (HBA)YesOptional
Knife Crime & Serious ViolenceYesOptional
Misogyny and INCEL SubcultureYesYes
Policy in PracticeYesYes
Prevent Duty for SLT/DSLs/GovernorsYesYes
Prevent Duty for Staff and VolunteersYesYes
Other courses
Administration of MedicationOptionalOptional
Bereavement and LossYesOptional
E-Safety (including online safety)YesYes
Educational VisitsYesYes
Equality Diversity and Inclusion in the WorkplaceYesYes
Fire Safety AwarenessYesYes
Fire Warden / MarshallOptionalOptional
First Aid BasicsOptionalOptional
Food Safety in the ClassroomOptionalOptional
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)YesYes
Health & SafetyYesYes
Risk AssessmentYesOptional
Safer RecruitmentOptional 
Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young PeopleYesYes
1 Regulated activity includes:
  • Teaching, training, instructing, caring for or supervising children if the person is unsupervised, or providing advice or guidance on well-being or driving a vehicle only for children;
  • Work in specified spaces, which includes educational settings where there is opportunity for contact with children. (Note: this does not include work done by supervised volunteers).

The above conditions apply:
If the work is carried out frequently by the same person or a person undertakes the work for more than 3 days in any 30-day period.

2 All staff that do not fall into the Staff in Regulated Activity category as defined above, are classified as Staff not in Regulated Activity and should complete the Child Protection course(s) for Staff not in Regulated Activity.
Existing employees
CoursesIn Regulated Activity 1Not in Regulated Activity 2
Has completed core training courses?Has completed core training courses?
Designated Teacher for Looked-After ChildrenOptionalOptional  
KCSIE & Legislation 2024 Update Course for Senior Leaders, Governance & ManagementYesYesYesYes
KCSIE & Legislation 2024 Update Course for Staff & VolunteersYesYesYesYes
Safeguarding LegislationOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
Core training
Child Protection for Staff in Regulated ActivityYes   
Child Protection for Staff in Regulated Activity - Refresher Yes  
Child Protection for Staff not in Regulated Activity  Yes 
Child Protection for Staff NOT in Regulated Activity Refresher   Yes
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)Yes Optional 
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) - Refresher Yes Optional
County LinesYes Optional 
County Lines - Refresher Yes Optional
Domestic AbuseYes Optional 
Domestic Abuse - Refresher Yes Optional
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)Yes Yes 
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) - Refresher Yes Yes
Forced MarriageYes Optional 
Forced Marriage - Refresher Yes Optional
Honour Based Abuse (HBA)Yes Optional 
Honour Based Abuse (HBA) - Refresher Yes Optional
Knife Crime & Serious ViolenceYes Optional 
Knife Crime & Serious Violence - Refresher Yes Optional
Misogyny and INCEL SubcultureYes Yes 
Policy in PracticeYes Yes 
Prevent Duty - Refresher Yes Yes
Prevent Duty for SLT/DSLs/GovernorsYesYesYesYes
Prevent Duty for Staff and VolunteersYesYesYesYes
Other courses
Administration of MedicationOptional Optional 
Bereavement and LossYesYesOptionalOptional
E-Safety (including online safety)Yes Yes 
Educational VisitsYesYesYesYes
Equality Diversity and Inclusion in the WorkplaceYesYesYesYes
Fire Safety AwarenessYesYesYesYes
Fire Warden / MarshallOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
First Aid BasicsOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
Food Safety in the ClassroomOptional Optional 
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)Yes Yes 
Health & SafetyYes Yes 
Risk AssessmentYes Optional 
Safer RecruitmentOptional Optional 
Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young PeopleYesYesYesYes
1 Regulated activity includes:
  • Teaching, training, instructing, caring for or supervising children if the person is unsupervised, or providing advice or guidance on well-being or driving a vehicle only for children;
  • Work in specified spaces, which includes educational settings where there is opportunity for contact with children. (Note: this does not include work done by supervised volunteers).

The above conditions apply:
If the work is carried out frequently by the same person or a person undertakes the work for more than 3 days in any 30-day period.

2 All staff that do not fall into the Staff in Regulated Activity category as defined above, are classified as Staff not in Regulated Activity and should complete the Child Protection course(s) for Staff not in Regulated Activity.
Specialist roles
New to role 1Has completed core training 2New to roleHas completed core training
Bereavement and LossYesYesYesYes
Child Protection for Staff in Non-maintained NurseriesYes Yes 
Designated Mental Health Lead (DMHL) OptionalYesYes
Designated Safeguarding LeadYesYes  
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Refresher Yes  
Designated Teacher for Looked-After ChildrenOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
Domestic AbuseYesYes  
Educational VisitsYesYesYesYes
Equality Diversity and Inclusion in the WorkplaceYesYesYesYes
First Aid BasicsOptionalOptional  
KCSIE & Legislation 2024 Update Course for Senior Leaders, Governance & ManagementYesYesYesYes
KCSIE & Legislation 2024 Update Course for Staff & VolunteersYesYesYesYes
Knife Crime & Serious ViolenceYes   
Knife Crime & Serious Violence - Refresher Yes  
Prevent Duty for SLT/DSLs/GovernorsYesYesYesYes
Prevent Duty for Staff and VolunteersYesYesYesYes
Safeguarding LegislationOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young PeopleYesYes  
All the courses in this table specifically relate to the DSL and DMHL roles. If you are taking on any additional roles such as administering medication please access the courses specific to that topic.
1 Staff new to the DSL role should also have completed core child protection and thematics training. If not completed our core modules should be accessed.
2 The core training referred to includes child protection and all thematic topics. If not completed our core modules should be accessed.
Other roles
Not namedNamedIn regulated activityNot in regulated activity
Bereavement and LossOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional 
Child Protection for Staff in Non-maintained NurseriesYesYesOptionalOptionalOptional
Child Protection for Staff in Regulated Activity  Yes  
Domestic AbuseYesYesYesYes 
Educational VisitsOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional 
Equality Diversity and Inclusion in the WorkplaceYesYesYesOptional 
First Aid BasicsOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional 
Food Safety & Hygiene Training (Level 1)    Yes
Food Safety & Hygiene Training (Level 2)    Yes
Food Safety in the Classroom  OptionalOptional 
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)YesYesYesYes 
Health & SafetyOptionalYesOptional  
KCSIE & Legislation 2024 Update Course for Senior Leaders, Governance & ManagementYesYes   
KCSIE & Legislation 2024 Update Course for Staff & VolunteersYesYesYesYesYes
Knife Crime & Serious ViolenceYesYesYesYes 
Policy in PracticeOptionalOptional   
Prevent Duty for SLT/DSLs/GovernorsYesYesYesYesYes
Prevent Duty for Staff and VolunteersYesYesYesYesYes
Risk AssessmentOptionalYes   
Safeguarding - Child Protection for GovernanceYes    
Safeguarding - Child Protection for Named Governors Yes   
Safeguarding LegislationOptionalOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
Safer RecruitmentOptionalOptional   
Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young PeopleYesYesYesYes 
Each individual refresher course has a timetable for completion and should be completed within the recommended timescale. You can see when refreshers are required for individual users from the Certificate Hub.